Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sept/Oct 1981

September 17
Almost two months has passed since I last wrote in my journal.
Rachel has two teeth now and sits in the high chair to share our meals. Eats baby food, bread and baby cookies - and lots of it. Still nurses - usually refuses a bottle.
She's crawling - after a fashion. At least she can get where she wants to go. She gets up on her hands and tiptoes and tries to move and flops down. Since occasionally she moves the wrong way (backwards) it stil takes her a while to get where she's going. When Daddy or Kirsten pay attention to her, all she does is SMILE and SMILE. She adores Kirsten and Kirsten really loves her too.
Kirsten just learned the Norwegian table grace we use at Einar's folks place and loves to sing it now. Her favorite song is still "Jesus loves me." When it comes to words or songs, she has a fantastic memory. Her favorite saying when I call her now, is, "Just a second, Mommy."
Several times we've caught her, when she's supposed to be asleep, up on her bedstead (or at home- her crib) talking to people outside - either telling them to "Go home" or "Be quiet, guys - you're too noisy." Fortunately I don't think anyone outside was ever close enough to hear. She's a nut!
We've been house-sitting at Mom & Dad's now for about 3 weeks. They come home on Saturday, so we have to move back this weekend. I'm sure we'll feel crowded at first! We're praying for funds for finishing our addition.

October 16
Rachel crawls well and can pull herself up on furniture. Kirsten learned her memoriy verse for Family Night last week and was real proud of herself. It was "God made us." I just thank God for my children.

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