Monday, October 11, 2010

The Fear of Aging

I'm going to admit it. I can be very fearful. And one of my main fears has to do with aging. It is the fear of Alzheimers.
It is a legitimate fear. Three of my dad's siblings had Alzheimers before they died. My mom was showing signs of it as well near the end of her life.
The last time I was at Mom & Dad's before she passed away 4 years ago, Mom told me she was so glad she was my auntie. Our daughters were with me, and she seemed to know they were her grandchildren, and prayed for them by name that same afternoon. So her confusion came and went.
So does mine. If I've just spent time with my youngest sister, than my daughter Rachel becomes Eunice. I never do that with Kirsten for some reason. Maybe because Eunice is the only sister younger than me, and Rachel is my youngest. I look at her and marvel that my baby is all grown up, and a mother herself now.
Okay, I know that is common. Everyone complains about how many names it takes before their mother gets to their own. When I see young peoople having memory lapses, I often breathe a sigh of relief... it's not just me... even young people forget.
But I often can't complete my own sentences. Words that should be commonplace just won't come to my mind no matter how hard I try to remember them. That scares me.
I remember my dad fearing some of the same things. He's 94, and still doing well on his own in his own place! No sign of Alzheimers there yet!
I thought today about some of the things I want to live to see: more grandchildren, Haley & Josiah all grown up, their milestones, retirement with Einar, and much more. But if the Lord should take me home before the Alzheimers kicks in, that would be okay, too!

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