Not sure why the glasses... perhaps we were at one of Einar's job sites and the girls were trying on the safety glasses...
May 14, 1987
Yesterday I did Rachel’s hair up in a crown braid. It’s so cute on her. I told her that she looked gorgeous with her hair like that. She smiled sweetly at me, tossed her head and said, “I know. I’m gorgeous. I am gorgeous, Mom.” (giggle, giggle)
We’ve just decided that we’re going to Saskatchewan in August – the girls and I. I’d like to drive. We’re all excited and starting to make plans already. Yesterday Einar got a call from someone who is making a Disney movie here in Squamish. They needed some extras to be policemen in a movie they’re filming on Friday. He said he would, but now he’s working afternoons so he may not be able to. It would have been an interesting experience!
May 22, 1987
BUSY is about the only suitable word to describe our schedules. A normal day for the girls is: up at seven, dress, straighten room, breakfast, devotions and off to school for Kirsten. Rachel goes to school at noon and both are out at three. I try to read a chapter of our current book (Heidi’s Friends, now) after their snack, and they have about an hour to play. Then it’s suppertime and off to baseball. Kirsten plays Monday and Friday; Rachel on Tuesday and Thursday, and Einar usually two days – Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. When we get home, we just have time for “The Warm Hug Book” and prayers and it’s off to bed. Baseball season ends June 19.
May 16 is Rachel’s spiritual birthday. Kirsten asked her if she had asked Jesus into her heart, and when she didn’t know how, Kirsten told her and prayed with her. Then Kirsten had Rachel come and tell us.
I am often amazed at Kirsten’s maturity – both spiritually and otherwise. She has Einar’s quiet but strong sense of right and wrong. And she seems more tolerant all the time of others treatment of herself – sort of a self-assured, “I’m okay, so you can’t hurt me” attitude. But she hasn’t lost her sensitivity to others. She hates to see a wrong done to anyone – and is quick to be Rachel’s protector. How I thank God for my girls and their wonderful close relationship. They are best friends most of the time and they don’t argue a lot.
Today I mentioned to Kirsten that they never watch TV anymore.
“T.V.?!!” Kirsten exclaimed, “Who has time for T.V.??!! How boring!”
Leave her paper and pencils and she’s content.
Kirsten is on an ‘all boys’ farm league team in baseball. At the beginning it was a struggle – they were all much more advanced. And they wanted her to quit. But she squared her shoulders, declared she was no quitter, and proceeded to practice – and practice – and practice. Now she’s AT LEAST an average player on the team – she’s come a long way! And I think she’s really enjoying it.
Rachel’s also playing (t-ball) and she seems to be a natural. At least she’s a little bundle of energy! But Kirsten has a lot of determination and will likely be a very good player too because she works hard at it.