Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Koop Family Gathering 2008

Pinawa, Manitoba was the location of our family gathering for the third time. We have found Wilderness Edge to be accomodating, not overly expensive, with good food and good activities.
There were over 50 of us this year - less than last time, but still more than half of the family. Ages ranged from newborn Keanna to Dad who is 92.
In spite of the fact that I fail miserably when it comes to contacting and keeping in touch with my family much of the time, family is terribly important to me, and so I love this time of reconnecting and getting to know one another again. It is impossible to have meaningful conversations with everyone, but each time there are new surprises when I chat with my nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters.
Of course, it is also a time to spend with my own kids who live far away. We were sorry Paul couldn't make it this time, but hopefully those who couldn't get there this time will be able to make it to the next one in two years.
So - to my family - see you in July 2010 in Pinawa!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

MCC Relief Sale

I remember thinking once that when our children were gone, life would slow down. Maybe it has. Maybe we have a few more free evenings together. But we both have jobs that we love (most of the time, at least) and it seems that has kept us very busy this year. Maybe we're just busy with our own things for a change - instead of just running to all our kids events.

One of the biggest fundraisers we have in MCC is our annual Relief Sale. In Alberta it moves around and last year it was in the south in Coaldale, and this year it was in Sherwood Park near Edmonton. Next year it will be in the Calgary/Didsbury area.

I was able to spend almost 3 days up there helping with set-up, taking pictures, etc. I find the quilt auction mesmerizing. Not only quilts are sold, but also other handwork including furniture. I want it all (okay, most of it) but bids often go way off the scale. The people know that if it becomes a 'donation' (meaning if they bid way more than it's worth), they will get a receipt for the access, so they are willing to spend.

Maybe next year I'll get my quilt...